{"draft":"draft-ietf-homenet-front-end-naming-delegation-27","doc_id":"RFC9526","title":"Simple Provisioning of Public Names for Residential Networks","authors":["D. Migault","R. Weber","M. Richardson","R. Hunter"],"format":["HTML","TEXT","PDF","XML"],"page_count":"35","pub_status":"EXPERIMENTAL","status":"EXPERIMENTAL","source":"Home Networking","abstract":"Home network owners may have devices or services hosted on their home\r\nnetwork that they wish to access from the Internet (i.e., from a\r\nnetwork outside of the home network). Home networks are increasingly\r\nnumbered using IPv6 addresses, which in principle makes this access\r\nsimpler, but accessing home networks from the Internet requires the\r\nnames and IP addresses of these devices and services to be made\r\navailable in the public DNS.\r\n\r\nThis document describes how a Home Naming Authority (NHA) instructs\r\nthe outsourced infrastructure to publish these pieces of information\r\nin the public DNS. The names and IP addresses of the home network are\r\nset in the Public Homenet Zone by the Homenet Naming Authority (HNA),\r\nwhich in turn instructs an outsourced infrastructure to publish the\r\nzone on behalf of the home network owner.","pub_date":"January 2024","keywords":["DNS","Homenet","outsourcing","management","hosting"],"obsoletes":[],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":[],"updated_by":[],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC9526","errata_url":"https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/errata\/rfc9526"}