{"draft":"draft-ietf-dmm-pmipv6-dlif-06","doc_id":"RFC8885","title":"Proxy Mobile IPv6 Extensions for Distributed Mobility Management","authors":["CJ. Bernardos","A. de la Oliva","F. Giust","JC. Z\u00fa\u00f1iga","A. Mourad"],"format":["HTML","TEXT","PDF","XML"],"page_count":"25","pub_status":"EXPERIMENTAL","status":"EXPERIMENTAL","source":"Distributed Mobility Management","abstract":"Distributed Mobility Management solutions allow networks to be set up\r\nin such a way that traffic is distributed optimally and centrally\r\ndeployed anchors are not relied upon to provide IP mobility support. \r\n\r\nThere are many different approaches to address Distributed Mobility\r\nManagement -- for example, extending network-based mobility protocols\r\n(like Proxy Mobile IPv6) or client-based mobility protocols (like\r\nMobile IPv6), among others. This document follows the former approach\r\nand proposes a solution based on Proxy Mobile IPv6, in which mobility\r\nsessions are anchored at the last IP hop router (called the mobility\r\nanchor and access router). The mobility anchor and access router is\r\nan enhanced access router that is also able to operate as a local\r\nmobility anchor or mobility access gateway on a per-prefix basis. The\r\ndocument focuses on the required extensions to effectively support\r\nthe simultaneous anchoring several flows at different distributed\r\ngateways.","pub_date":"October 2020","keywords":["PMIPv6","anchor","session continuity","address reachability","HNP","CMD","MAAR"],"obsoletes":[],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":[],"updated_by":[],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC8885","errata_url":null}