{"draft":"draft-ietf-v6ops-conditional-ras-08","doc_id":"RFC8475","title":"Using Conditional Router Advertisements for Enterprise Multihoming","authors":["J. Linkova","M. Stucchi"],"format":["ASCII","HTML"],"page_count":"21","pub_status":"INFORMATIONAL","status":"INFORMATIONAL","source":"IPv6 Operations","abstract":"This document discusses the most common scenarios of connecting an\r\nenterprise network to multiple ISPs using an address space assigned\r\nby an ISP and how the approach proposed in \"Enterprise Multihoming \r\nusing Provider-Assigned Addresses without Network Prefix Translation: \r\nRequirements and Solution\" could be applied in those scenarios. The\r\nproblem of enterprise multihoming without address translation of any\r\nform has not been solved yet as it requires both the network to\r\nselect the correct egress ISP based on the packet source address and\r\nhosts to select the correct source address based on the desired\r\negress ISP for that traffic. The aforementioned document proposes a\r\nsolution to this problem by introducing a new routing functionality\r\n(Source Address Dependent Routing) to solve the uplink selection\r\nissue. It also proposes using Router Advertisements to influence the\r\nhost source address selection. It focuses on solving the general\r\nproblem and covering various complex use cases, and this document\r\nadopts its proposed approach to provide a solution for a limited\r\nnumber of common use cases. In particular, the focus of this\r\ndocument is on scenarios in which an enterprise network has two\r\nInternet uplinks used either in primary\/backup mode or simultaneously\r\nand hosts in that network might not yet properly support multihoming\r\nas described in RFC 8028.","pub_date":"October 2018","keywords":["ipv6"],"obsoletes":[],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":[],"updated_by":[],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC8475","errata_url":null}