{"draft":"draft-iab-dns-applications-07","doc_id":"RFC6950","title":"Architectural Considerations on Application Features in the DNS","authors":["J. Peterson","O. Kolkman","H. Tschofenig","B. Aboba"],"format":["ASCII","HTML"],"page_count":"31","pub_status":"INFORMATIONAL","status":"INFORMATIONAL","source":"IAB","abstract":"A number of Internet applications rely on the Domain Name System\r\n(DNS) to support their operations. Many applications use the DNS to\r\nlocate services for a domain; some, for example, transform identifiers\r\nother than domain names into formats that the DNS can process, and\r\nthen fetch application data or service location data from the DNS.\r\nProposals incorporating sophisticated application behavior using DNS\r\nas a substrate have raised questions about the role of the DNS as an\r\napplication platform. This document explores the architectural\r\nconsequences of using the DNS to implement certain application\r\nfeatures, and it provides guidance to future application designers as to\r\nthe limitations of the DNS as a substrate and the situations in which\r\nalternative designs should be considered.","pub_date":"October 2013","keywords":[],"obsoletes":[],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":[],"updated_by":[],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC6950","errata_url":null}