{"draft":"draft-iab-iana-08","doc_id":"RFC6220","title":"Defining the Role and Function of IETF Protocol Parameter Registry Operators","authors":["D. McPherson, Ed.","O. Kolkman, Ed.","J. Klensin, Ed.","G. Huston, Ed.","Internet Architecture Board"],"format":["ASCII","HTML"],"page_count":"11","pub_status":"INFORMATIONAL","status":"INFORMATIONAL","source":"IAB","abstract":"Many Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) protocols make use of commonly\r\ndefined values that are passed in messages or packets. To ensure consistent\r\ninterpretation of these values between independent implementations, there is a\r\nneed to ensure that the values and associated semantic intent are uniquely\r\ndefined. The IETF uses registry functions to record assigned\r\nprotocol parameter values and their associated semantic intentions. For\r\neach IETF protocol parameter, it is current practice for the IETF to\r\ndelegate the role of Protocol Parameter Registry Operator to a\r\nnominated entity. This document provides a description of, and the\r\nrequirements for, these delegated functions. This document is not an \r\nInternet Standards Track specification; it is published for informational \r\npurposes.","pub_date":"April 2011","keywords":[],"obsoletes":[],"obsoleted_by":["RFC8722"],"updates":[],"updated_by":[],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC6220","errata_url":null}