{"draft":"draft-irtf-routing-history-10","doc_id":"RFC5773","title":"Analysis of Inter-Domain Routing Requirements and History","authors":["E. Davies","A. Doria"],"format":["ASCII","HTML"],"page_count":"51","pub_status":"HISTORIC","status":"HISTORIC","source":"IRTF","abstract":"This document analyzes the state of the Internet domain-based routing\r\nsystem, concentrating on Inter-Domain Routing (IDR) and also\r\nconsidering the relationship between inter-domain and intra-domain\r\nrouting. The analysis is carried out with respect to RFC 1126 and\r\nother IDR requirements and design efforts looking at the routing\r\nsystem as it appeared to be in 2001 with editorial additions\r\nreflecting developments up to 2006. It is the companion document to\r\n\"A Set of Possible Requirements for a Future Routing Architecture\"\r\n(RFC 5772), which is a discussion of requirements for the future\r\nrouting architecture, addressing systems developments and future\r\nrouting protocols. This document summarizes discussions held several\r\nyears ago by members of the IRTF Routing Research Group (IRTF RRG)\r\nand other interested parties. The document is published with the\r\nsupport of the IRTF RRG as a record of the work completed at that\r\ntime, but with the understanding that it does not necessarily\r\nrepresent either the latest technical understanding or the technical\r\nconsensus of the research group at the date of publication. This document \r\ndefines a Historic Document for the Internet community.","pub_date":"February 2010","keywords":["History","IRTF","Routing Research Group","RRG","Routing Requirements","IDR","FDR"],"obsoletes":[],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":[],"updated_by":[],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC5773","errata_url":"https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/errata\/rfc5773"}