{"draft":"draft-farrel-iana-tla-registry-00","doc_id":"RFC5513","title":"IANA Considerations for Three Letter Acronyms","authors":["A. Farrel"],"format":["ASCII","HTML"],"page_count":"7","pub_status":"INFORMATIONAL","status":"INFORMATIONAL","source":"INDEPENDENT","abstract":"Three Letter Acronyms (TLAs) are commonly used to identify components\r\nof networks or protocols as designed or specified within the IETF. A\r\ncommon concern is that one acronym may have multiple expansions.\r\nWhile this may not have been an issue in the past, network\r\nconvergence means that protocols that did not previously operate\r\ntogether are now found in close proximity. This results in\r\ncontention for acronyms, and confusion in interpretation. Such\r\nconfusion has the potential to degrade the performance of the\r\nInternet as misunderstandings lead to misconfiguration or other\r\noperating errors.\r\n\r\nGiven the growing use of TLAs and the relatively small number\r\navailable, this document specifies a Badly Construed Proposal (BCP) for the\r\nmanagement of a registry of TLAs within the IETF, and the procedures\r\nfor the allocation of new TLAs from the registry. This memo provides \r\ninformation for the Internet community.","pub_date":"1 April 2009","keywords":["tla","abbreviation"],"obsoletes":[],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":[],"updated_by":[],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC5513","errata_url":"https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/errata\/rfc5513"}