rfc9628v4.txt   rfc9628.txt 
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) J. Uberti Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) J. Uberti
Request for Comments: 9628 S. Holmer Request for Comments: 9628 OpenAI
Category: Standards Track M. Flodman Category: Standards Track S. Holmer
ISSN: 2070-1721 D. Hong ISSN: 2070-1721 M. Flodman
D. Hong
Google Google
J. Lennox J. Lennox
8x8 / Jitsi 8x8 / Jitsi
February 2025 February 2025
RTP Payload Format for VP9 Video RTP Payload Format for VP9 Video
Abstract Abstract
This specification describes an RTP payload format for the VP9 video This specification describes an RTP payload format for the VP9 video
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1. Introduction 1. Introduction
2. Conventions 2. Conventions
3. Media Format Description 3. Media Format Description
4. Payload Format 4. Payload Format
4.1. RTP Header Usage 4.1. RTP Header Usage
4.2. VP9 Payload Descriptor 4.2. VP9 Payload Descriptor
4.2.1. Scalability Structure (SS) 4.2.1. Scalability Structure (SS)
4.3. Frame Fragmentation 4.3. Frame Fragmentation
4.4. Scalable Encoding Considerations 4.4. Scalable Encoding Considerations
4.5. Examples of VP9 RTP Stream 4.5. Example of a VP9 RTP Stream
4.5.1. Reference Picture Use for Scalable Structure 4.5.1. Reference Picture Use for Scalable Structure
5. Feedback Messages and Header Extensions 5. Feedback Messages and Header Extensions
5.1. Reference Picture Selection Indication (RPSI) 5.1. Reference Picture Selection Indication (RPSI)
5.2. Full Intra Request (FIR) 5.2. Full Intra Request (FIR)
5.3. Layer Refresh Request (LRR) 5.3. Layer Refresh Request (LRR)
6. Payload Format Parameters 6. Payload Format Parameters
6.1. SDP Parameters 6.1. SDP Parameters
6.1.1. Mapping of Media Subtype Parameters to SDP 6.1.1. Mapping of Media Subtype Parameters to SDP
6.1.2. Offer/Answer Considerations 6.1.2. Offer/Answer Considerations
7. Media Type Definition 7. Media Type Definition
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allow a frame to be encoded at the same resolution but at different allow a frame to be encoded at the same resolution but at different
qualities (and, thus, with different amounts of coding error). VP9 qualities (and, thus, with different amounts of coding error). VP9
supports quality layers as spatial layers without any resolution supports quality layers as spatial layers without any resolution
changes; hereinafter, the term "spatial layer" is used to represent changes; hereinafter, the term "spatial layer" is used to represent
both spatial and quality layers. both spatial and quality layers.
This payload format specification defines how such temporal and This payload format specification defines how such temporal and
spatial scalability layers can be described and communicated. spatial scalability layers can be described and communicated.
Temporal and spatial scalability layers are associated with non- Temporal and spatial scalability layers are associated with non-
negative integer IDs. The lowest layer of either type has an ID of 0 negative integer IDs. The lowest layer of either type has an ID of
and is sometimes referred to as the "base" temporal or spatial layer. zero and is sometimes referred to as the "base" temporal or spatial
Layers are designed, and MUST be encoded, such that if any layer, and Layers are designed, and MUST be encoded, such that if any layer, and
all higher layers, are removed from the bitstream along either the all higher layers, are removed from the bitstream along either the
spatial or temporal dimension, the remaining bitstream is still spatial or temporal dimension, the remaining bitstream is still
correctly decodable. correctly decodable.
For terminology, this document uses the term "frame" to refer to a For terminology, this document uses the term "frame" to refer to a
single encoded VP9 frame for a particular resolution and/or quality, single encoded VP9 frame for a particular resolution and/or quality,
and "picture" to refer to all the representations (frames) at a and "picture" to refer to all the representations (frames) at a
single instant in time. Thus, a picture consists of one or more single instant in time. Thus, a picture consists of one or more
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Given the above simplifications for inter-layer and inter-picture Given the above simplifications for inter-layer and inter-picture
dependencies, a flag (the D bit described below) is used to indicate dependencies, a flag (the D bit described below) is used to indicate
whether a spatial-layer SID frame depends on the spatial-layer SID-1 whether a spatial-layer SID frame depends on the spatial-layer SID-1
frame. Given the D bit, a receiver only needs to additionally know frame. Given the D bit, a receiver only needs to additionally know
the inter-picture dependency structure for a given spatial-layer the inter-picture dependency structure for a given spatial-layer
frame in order to determine its decodability. Two modes of frame in order to determine its decodability. Two modes of
describing the inter-picture dependency structure are possible: describing the inter-picture dependency structure are possible:
"flexible mode" and "non-flexible mode". An encoder can only switch "flexible mode" and "non-flexible mode". An encoder can only switch
between the two on the first packet of a keyframe with a temporal- between the two on the first packet of a keyframe with a temporal-
layer ID equal to 0. layer ID equal to zero.
In flexible mode, each packet can contain up to three reference In flexible mode, each packet can contain up to three reference
indices, which identify all frames referenced by the frame indices, which identify all frames referenced by the frame
transmitted in the current packet for inter-picture prediction. This transmitted in the current packet for inter-picture prediction. This
(along with the D bit) enables a receiver to identify if a frame is (along with the D bit) enables a receiver to identify if a frame is
decodable or not and helps it understand the temporal-layer decodable or not and helps it understand the temporal-layer
structure. Since this is signaled in each packet, it makes it structure. Since this is signaled in each packet, it makes it
possible to have very flexible temporal-layer hierarchies and possible to have very flexible temporal-layer hierarchies and
scalability structures, which are changing dynamically. scalability structures, which are changing dynamically.
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inter-picture dependencies (the reference indices) of the PG MUST be inter-picture dependencies (the reference indices) of the PG MUST be
pre-specified as part of the Scalability Structure (SS) data. Each pre-specified as part of the Scalability Structure (SS) data. Each
packet has an index to refer to one of the described pictures in the packet has an index to refer to one of the described pictures in the
PG from which the pictures referenced by the picture transmitted in PG from which the pictures referenced by the picture transmitted in
the current packet for inter-picture prediction can be identified. the current packet for inter-picture prediction can be identified.
| Note: A "Picture Group" or "PG", as used in this document, is | Note: A "Picture Group" or "PG", as used in this document, is
| not the same thing as the term "Group of Pictures" as it is | not the same thing as the term "Group of Pictures" as it is
| commonly used in video coding, i.e., to mean an independently | commonly used in video coding, i.e., to mean an independently
| decodable run of pictures beginning with a keyframe. | decodable run of pictures beginning with a keyframe.
| The SS data can also be used to specify the resolution of each The SS data can also be used to specify the resolution of each
| spatial layer present in the VP9 stream for both flexible and spatial layer present in the VP9 stream for both flexible and non-
| non-flexible modes. flexible modes.
4. Payload Format 4. Payload Format
This section describes how the encoded VP9 bitstream is encapsulated This section describes how the encoded VP9 bitstream is encapsulated
in RTP. To handle network losses, usage of RTP/AVPF [RFC4585] is in RTP. To handle network losses, usage of RTP/AVPF [RFC4585] is
RECOMMENDED. All integer fields in this specification are encoded as RECOMMENDED. All integer fields in this specification are encoded as
unsigned integers in network octet order. unsigned integers in network octet order.
4.1. RTP Header Usage 4.1. RTP Header Usage
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+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
Figure 1: General RTP Payload Format for VP9 Figure 1: General RTP Payload Format for VP9
See Section 4.2 for more information on the VP9 payload descriptor; See Section 4.2 for more information on the VP9 payload descriptor;
the VP9 payload is described in [VP9-BITSTREAM]. OPTIONAL RTP the VP9 payload is described in [VP9-BITSTREAM]. OPTIONAL RTP
padding MUST NOT be included unless the P bit is set. padding MUST NOT be included unless the P bit is set.
Marker bit (M): This bit MUST be set to one for the final packet of Marker bit (M): This bit MUST be set to one for the final packet of
the highest spatial-layer frame (the final packet of the picture); the highest spatial-layer frame (the final packet of the picture);
otherwise, it is 0. Unless spatial scalability is in use for this otherwise, it is zero. Unless spatial scalability is in use for
picture, this bit will have the same value as the E bit described this picture, this bit will have the same value as the E bit
in Section 4.2. Note this bit MUST be set to one for the target described in Section 4.2. Note this bit MUST be set to one for
spatial-layer frame if a stream is being rewritten to remove the target spatial-layer frame if a stream is being rewritten to
higher spatial layers. remove higher spatial layers.
Payload Type (PT): In line with the policy in Section 3 of Payload Type (PT): In line with the policy in Section 3 of
[RFC3551], applications using the VP9 RTP payload profile MUST [RFC3551], applications using the VP9 RTP payload profile MUST
assign a dynamic payload type number to be used in each RTP assign a dynamic payload type number to be used in each RTP
session and provide a mechanism to indicate the mapping. See session and provide a mechanism to indicate the mapping. See
Section 6.1 for the mechanism to be used with the Session Section 6.1 for the mechanism to be used with the Session
Description Protocol (SDP) [RFC8866]. Description Protocol (SDP) [RFC8866].
Timestamp: The RTP timestamp [RFC3550] indicates the time when the Timestamp: The RTP timestamp [RFC3550] indicates the time when the
input frame was sampled, at a clock rate of 90 kHz. If the input input frame was sampled, at a clock rate of 90 kHz. If the input
picture is encoded with multiple-layer frames, all of the frames picture is encoded with multiple frames, all of the frames of the
of the picture MUST have the same timestamp. picture MUST have the same timestamp.
If a frame has the VP9 show_frame field set to zero (i.e., it is If a frame has the VP9 show_frame field set to zero (i.e., it is
meant only to populate a reference buffer without being output), meant only to populate a reference buffer without being output),
its timestamp MAY alternatively be set to be the same as the its timestamp MAY alternatively be set to be the same as the
subsequent frame with show_frame equal to 1. (This will be subsequent frame with show_frame equal to one. (This will be
convenient for playing out pre-encoded content packaged with VP9 convenient for playing out pre-encoded content packaged with VP9
"superframes", which typically bundle show_frame==0 frames with a "superframes", which typically bundle show_frame==0 frames with a
subsequent show_frame==1 frame.) Every frame with show_frame==1, subsequent show_frame==1 frame.) Every picture containing a frame
however, MUST have a unique timestamp modulo the 2^32 wrap of the with show_frame==1, however, MUST have a unique timestamp modulo
field. the 2^32 wrap of the field.
The remaining RTP Fixed Header Fields (V, P, X, CC, sequence number, The remaining RTP Fixed Header Fields (V, P, X, CC, sequence number,
SSRC, and CSRC identifiers) are used as specified in Section 5.1 of SSRC, and CSRC identifiers) are used as specified in Section 5.1 of
[RFC3550]. [RFC3550].
4.2. VP9 Payload Descriptor 4.2. VP9 Payload Descriptor
In flexible mode (with the F bit below set to one), the first octets In flexible mode (with the F bit below set to one), the first octets
after the RTP header are the VP9 payload descriptor, with the after the RTP header are the VP9 payload descriptor, with the
following structure. following structure.
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+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
L: | TID |U| SID |D| (Conditionally RECOMMENDED) L: | TID |U| SID |D| (Conditionally RECOMMENDED)
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
| TL0PICIDX | (Conditionally REQUIRED) | TL0PICIDX | (Conditionally REQUIRED)
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
V: | SS | V: | SS |
| .. | | .. |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
Figure 3: Non-flexible Mode Format for VP9 Payload Descriptor Figure 3: Non-Flexible Mode Format for VP9 Payload Descriptor
Except as noted, the following field descriptions apply to the
payload descriptor formats in both Figures 2 and 3.
I: Picture ID (PID) present. When set to one, the OPTIONAL PID MUST I: Picture ID (PID) present. When set to one, the OPTIONAL PID MUST
be present after the mandatory first octet and specified as below. be present after the mandatory first octet and specified as below.
Otherwise, PID MUST NOT be present. If the V bit was set in the Otherwise, PID MUST NOT be present. If the V bit was set in the
stream's most recent start of a keyframe (i.e., the SS field was stream's most recent start of a keyframe (i.e., the SS field was
present) and the F bit is set to zero (i.e., non-flexible present) and the F bit is set to zero (i.e., non-flexible
scalability mode is in use), then this bit MUST be set on every scalability mode is in use), then this bit MUST be set on every
packet. packet.
P: Inter-picture predicted frame. When set to zero, the frame does P: Inter-picture predicted frame. When set to zero, the frame does
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mandatory first octet, the PID, and layer indices (if present) are mandatory first octet, the PID, and layer indices (if present) are
as described by "reference indices" below. This bit MUST only be as described by "reference indices" below. This bit MUST only be
set to one if the I bit is also set to one; if the I bit is set to set to one if the I bit is also set to one; if the I bit is set to
zero, then this bit MUST also be set to zero and ignored by zero, then this bit MUST also be set to zero and ignored by
receivers. (Flexible mode's reference indices are defined as receivers. (Flexible mode's reference indices are defined as
offsets from the Picture ID field, so they would have no meaning offsets from the Picture ID field, so they would have no meaning
if I were not set.) The value of the F bit MUST only change on if I were not set.) The value of the F bit MUST only change on
the first packet of a key picture. A "key picture" is a picture the first packet of a key picture. A "key picture" is a picture
whose base spatial-layer frame is a keyframe, and thus one which whose base spatial-layer frame is a keyframe, and thus one which
completely resets the encoder state. This packet will have its P completely resets the encoder state. This packet will have its P
bit equal to 0, SID or L bit (described below) equal to 0, and B bit equal to zero, SID or L bit (described below) equal to zero,
bit (described below) equal to 1. and B bit (described below) equal to one.
B: Start of Frame. This bit MUST be set to one if the first payload B: Start of Frame. This bit MUST be set to one if the first payload
octet of the RTP packet is the beginning of a new VP9 frame; octet of the RTP packet is the beginning of a new VP9 frame;
otherwise, it MUST NOT be 1. Note that this frame might not be otherwise, it MUST NOT be one. Note that this frame might not be
the first frame of a picture. the first frame of a picture.
E: End of Frame. This bit MUST be set to one for the final RTP E: End of Frame. This bit MUST be set to one for the final RTP
packet of a VP9 frame; otherwise, it is 0. This enables a decoder packet of a VP9 frame; otherwise, it is zero. This enables a
to finish decoding the frame, where it otherwise may need to wait decoder to finish decoding the frame, where it otherwise may need
for the next packet to explicitly know that the frame is complete. to wait for the next packet to explicitly know that the frame is
Note that, if spatial scalability is in use, more frames from the complete. Note that, if spatial scalability is in use, more
same picture may follow; see the description of the B bit above. frames from the same picture may follow; see the description of
the B bit above.
V: Scalability Structure (SS) data present. When set to one, the V: Scalability Structure (SS) data present. When set to one, the
OPTIONAL SS data MUST be present in the payload descriptor. OPTIONAL SS data MUST be present in the payload descriptor.
Otherwise, the SS data MUST NOT be present. Otherwise, the SS data MUST NOT be present.
Z: Not a reference frame for upper spatial layers. If set to one, Z: Not a reference frame for upper spatial layers. If set to one,
indicates that frames with higher spatial layers SID+1 and greater indicates that frames with higher spatial layers SID+1 and greater
of the current and following pictures do not depend on the current of the current and following pictures do not depend on the current
spatial-layer SID frame. This enables a decoder that is targeting spatial-layer SID frame. This enables a decoder that is targeting
a higher spatial layer to know that it can safely discard this a higher spatial layer to know that it can safely discard this
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The mandatory first octet is followed by the extension data fields The mandatory first octet is followed by the extension data fields
that are enabled: that are enabled:
M: The most significant bit of the first octet is an extension flag. M: The most significant bit of the first octet is an extension flag.
The field MUST be present if the I bit is equal to one. If M is The field MUST be present if the I bit is equal to one. If M is
set, the PID field MUST contain 15 bits; otherwise, it MUST set, the PID field MUST contain 15 bits; otherwise, it MUST
contain 7 bits. See PID below. contain 7 bits. See PID below.
Picture ID (PID): Picture ID represented in 7 or 15 bits, depending Picture ID (PID): Picture ID represented in 7 or 15 bits, depending
on the M bit. This is a running index of the pictures, where the on the M bit. This is a running index of the pictures, where the
sender increments the value by 1 for each picture it sends. sender increments the value by one for each picture it sends.
(Note, however, that because a middlebox can discard pictures (Note, however, that because a middlebox can discard pictures
where permitted by the SS, Picture IDs as received by a receiver where permitted by the SS, Picture IDs as received by a receiver
might not be contiguous.) This field MUST be present if the I bit might not be contiguous.) This field MUST be present if the I bit
is equal to one. If M is set to zero, 7 bits carry the PID; else, is equal to one. If M is set to zero, 7 bits carry the PID; else,
if M is set to one, 15 bits carry the PID in network byte order. if M is set to one, 15 bits carry the PID in network byte order.
The sender may choose between a 7- or 15-bit index. The PID The sender may choose between a 7- or 15-bit index. The PID
SHOULD start on a random number and MUST wrap after reaching the SHOULD start on a random number and MUST wrap after reaching the
maximum ID (0x7f or 0x7fff depending on the index size chosen). maximum ID (0x7f or 0x7fff depending on the index size chosen).
The receiver MUST NOT assume that the number of bits in the PID The receiver MUST NOT assume that the number of bits in the PID
stays the same through the session. If this field transitions stays the same through the session. If this field transitions
from 7 bits to 15 bits, the value is zero-extended (i.e., the from 7 bits to 15 bits, the value is zero-extended (i.e., the
value after 0x6e is 0x006f); if the field transitions from 15 bits value after 0x6e is 0x006f); if the field transitions from 15 bits
to 7 bits, it is truncated (i.e., the value after 0x1bbe is 0xbf). to 7 bits, it is truncated (i.e., the value after 0x1bbe is 0x3f).
In the non-flexible mode (when the F bit is set to zero), this PID In the non-flexible mode (when the F bit is set to zero), this PID
is used as an index to the PG specified in the SS data below. In is used as an index to the PG specified in the SS data below. In
this mode, the PID of the keyframe corresponds to the first this mode, the PID of the keyframe corresponds to the first
specified frame in the PG. Then subsequent PIDs are mapped to specified frame in the PG. Then subsequent PIDs are mapped to
subsequently specified frames in the PG (modulo N_G, specified in subsequently specified frames in the PG (modulo N_G, specified in
the SS data below), respectively. the SS data below), respectively.
All frames of the same picture MUST have the same PID value. All frames of the same picture MUST have the same PID value.
Frames (and their corresponding pictures) with the VP9 show_frame Frames (and their corresponding pictures) with the VP9 show_frame
field equal to 0 MUST have distinct PID values from subsequent field equal to zero MUST have distinct PID values from subsequent
pictures with show_frame equal to 1. Thus, a picture (as defined pictures with show_frame equal to one. Thus, a picture (as
in this specification) is different than a VP9 superframe. defined in this specification) is different than a VP9 superframe.
All frames of the same picture MUST have the same value for All frames of the same picture MUST have the same value for
show_frame. show_frame.
Layer indices: This field is optional but RECOMMENDED whenever Layer indices: This field is optional but RECOMMENDED whenever
encoding with layers. For both flexible and non-flexible modes, encoding with layers. For both flexible and non-flexible modes,
one octet is used to specify a layer frame's Temporal-layer ID one octet is used to specify a layer frame's Temporal-layer ID
(TID) and Spatial-layer ID (SID) as shown both in Figure 2 and (TID) and Spatial-layer ID (SID) as shown both in Figures 2 and 3.
Figure 3. Additionally, a bit (U) is used to indicate that the Additionally, a bit (U) is used to indicate that the current frame
current frame is a "switching up point" frame. Another bit (D) is is a "switching up point" frame. Another bit (D) is used to
used to indicate whether inter-layer prediction is used for the indicate whether inter-layer prediction is used for the current
current frame. frame.
In the non-flexible mode (when the F bit is set to zero), another In the non-flexible mode (when the F bit is set to zero), another
octet is used to represent Temporal Layer 0 Picture Index (8 bits) octet is used to represent the Temporal Layer 0 Picture Index (8
(TL0PICIDX), as depicted in Figure 3. The TL0PICIDX is present so bits) (TL0PICIDX), as depicted in Figure 3. The TL0PICIDX is
that all minimally required frames (the base temporal-layer present so that all minimally required frames (the base temporal-
frames) can be tracked. layer frames) can be tracked.
The TID and SID fields indicate the temporal and spatial layers The TID and SID fields indicate the temporal and spatial layers
and can help middleboxes and endpoints quickly identify which and can help middleboxes and endpoints quickly identify which
layer a packet belongs to. layer a packet belongs to.
TID: The temporal-layer ID of the current frame. In the case of TID: The temporal-layer ID of the current frame. In the case of
non-flexible mode, if a PID is mapped to a picture in a non-flexible mode, if a PID is mapped to a picture in a
specified PG, then the value of the TID MUST match the specified PG, then the value of the TID MUST match the
corresponding TID value of the mapped picture in the PG. corresponding TID value of the mapped picture in the PG.
U: Switching up point. When this bit is set to one, if the U: Switching up point. When this bit is set to one, if the
current picture has a temporal-layer ID equal to value T, then current picture has a temporal-layer ID equal to value T, then
subsequent pictures with temporal-layer ID values higher than T subsequent pictures with temporal-layer ID values higher than T
will not depend on any picture before the current picture (in will not depend on any picture before the current picture (in
coding order) with a temporal-layer ID value greater than T. decode order) with a temporal-layer ID value greater than T.
SID: The spatial-layer ID of the current frame. Note that frames SID: The spatial-layer ID of the current frame. Note that frames
with spatial-layer SID > 0 may be dependent on decoded spatial- with spatial-layer SID > 0 may be dependent on decoded spatial-
layer SID-1 frame within the same picture. Different frames of layer SID-1 frame within the same picture. Different frames of
the same picture MUST have distinct spatial-layer IDs, and the same picture MUST have distinct spatial-layer IDs, and
frames' spatial layers MUST appear in increasing order within frames' spatial layers MUST appear in increasing order within
the frame. the frame.
D: Inter-layer dependency is used. D MUST be set to one if and D: Inter-layer dependency is used. D MUST be set to one if and
only if the current spatial-layer SID frame depends on spatial- only if the current spatial-layer SID frame depends on spatial-
layer SID-1 frame of the same picture; otherwise, it MUST be layer SID-1 frame of the same picture; otherwise, it MUST be
set to zero. For the base-layer frame (with SID equal to 0), set to zero. For the base-layer frame (with SID equal to
the D bit MUST be set to zero. zero), the D bit MUST be set to zero.
TL0PICIDX: Temporal Layer 0 Picture Index (8 bits). TL0PICIDX is TL0PICIDX: Temporal Layer 0 Picture Index (8 bits). TL0PICIDX is
only present in the non-flexible mode (F = 0). This is a only present in the non-flexible mode (F = 0). This is a
running index for the temporal base-layer pictures, i.e., the running index for the temporal base-layer pictures, i.e., the
pictures with a TID set to zero. If the TID is larger than 0, pictures with a TID set to zero. If the TID is larger than
TL0PICIDX indicates which temporal base-layer picture the zero, TL0PICIDX indicates which temporal base-layer picture the
current picture depends on. TL0PICIDX MUST be incremented by 1 current picture depends on. TL0PICIDX MUST be incremented by
when the TID is equal to 0. The index SHOULD start on a random one when the TID is equal to zero. The index SHOULD start on a
number and MUST restart at 0 after reaching the maximum number random number and MUST restart at zero after reaching the
255. maximum number 255.
Reference indices: When P and F are both set to one, indicating a Reference indices: When P and F are both set to one, indicating a
non-keyframe in flexible mode, then at least one reference index non-keyframe in flexible mode, then at least one reference index
MUST be specified as below. Additional reference indices (a total MUST be specified as below. Additional reference indices (a total
of up to three reference indices are allowed) may be specified of up to three reference indices are allowed) may be specified
using the N bit below. When either P or F is set to zero, then no using the N bit below. When either P or F is set to zero, then no
reference index is specified. reference index is specified.
P_DIFF: The reference index (in 7 bits) specified as the relative P_DIFF: The reference index (in 7 bits) specified as the relative
PID from the current picture. For example, when P_DIFF=3 on a PID from the current picture. For example, when P_DIFF=3 on a
packet containing the picture with PID 112 means that the packet containing the picture with PID 112 means that the
picture refers back to the picture with PID 109. This picture refers back to the picture with PID 109. This
calculation is done modulo the size of the PID field, i.e., calculation is done modulo the size of the PID field, i.e.,
either 7 or 15 bits. A P_DIFF value of 0 is invalid. either 7 or 15 bits. A P_DIFF value of zero is invalid.
N: 1 if there is additional P_DIFF following the current P_DIFF. N: 1 if there is additional P_DIFF following the current P_DIFF.
4.2.1. Scalability Structure (SS) 4.2.1. Scalability Structure (SS)
The SS data describes the resolution of each frame within a picture The SS data describes the resolution of each frame within a picture
as well as the inter-picture dependencies for a PG. If the VP9 as well as the inter-picture dependencies for a PG. If the VP9
payload descriptor's V bit is set, the SS data is present in the payload descriptor's V bit is set, the SS data is present in the
position indicated in Figures 2 and 3. position indicated in Figures 2 and 3.
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one, the OPTIONAL WIDTH (2 octets) and HEIGHT (2 octets) MUST be one, the OPTIONAL WIDTH (2 octets) and HEIGHT (2 octets) MUST be
present for each layer frame. Otherwise, the resolution MUST NOT present for each layer frame. Otherwise, the resolution MUST NOT
be present. be present.
G: The PG description present flag. G: The PG description present flag.
-: A bit reserved for future use. It MUST be set to zero and MUST -: A bit reserved for future use. It MUST be set to zero and MUST
be ignored by the receiver. be ignored by the receiver.
N_G: N_G indicates the number of pictures in a PG. If N_G is N_G: N_G indicates the number of pictures in a PG. If N_G is
greater than 0, then the SS data allows the inter-picture greater than zero, then the SS data allows the inter-picture
dependency structure of the VP9 stream to be pre-declared, rather dependency structure of the VP9 stream to be pre-declared, rather
than indicating it on the fly with every packet. If N_G is than indicating it on the fly with every packet. If N_G is
greater than 0, then for N_G pictures in the PG, each picture's greater than zero, then for N_G pictures in the PG, each picture's
Temporal-layer ID (TID), switch up point (U), and reference Temporal-layer ID (TID), switch up point (U), and reference
indices (P_DIFFs) are specified. indices (P_DIFFs) are specified.
The first picture specified in the PG MUST have a TID set to zero. The first picture specified in the PG MUST have a TID set to zero.
G set to zero or N_G set to zero indicates that either there is G set to zero or N_G set to zero indicates that either there is
only one temporal layer (for non-flexible mode) or no fixed inter- only one temporal layer (for non-flexible mode) or no fixed inter-
picture dependency information is present (for flexible mode) picture dependency information is present (for flexible mode)
going forward in the bitstream. going forward in the bitstream.
skipping to change at line 561 skipping to change at line 567
picture dependency structure. However, the frame rate of each picture dependency structure. However, the frame rate of each
spatial layer can be different from each other; this can be spatial layer can be different from each other; this can be
described with the use of the D bit described above. The described with the use of the D bit described above. The
specified dependency structure in the SS data MUST be for the specified dependency structure in the SS data MUST be for the
highest frame rate layer. highest frame rate layer.
R: The number of P_DIFF fields that are present. R: The number of P_DIFF fields that are present.
In a scalable stream sent with a fixed pattern, the SS data SHOULD be In a scalable stream sent with a fixed pattern, the SS data SHOULD be
included in the first packet of every key frame. This is a packet included in the first packet of every key frame. This is a packet
with the P bit equal to 0, SID or L bit equal to 0, and B bit equal with the P bit equal to zero, SID or L bit equal to zero, and B bit
to 1. The SS data MUST only be changed on the picture that equal to one. The SS data MUST only be changed on the picture that
corresponds to the first picture specified in the previous SS data's corresponds to the first picture specified in the previous SS data's
PG (if the previous SS data's N_G was greater than 0). PG (if the previous SS data's N_G was greater than zero).
4.3. Frame Fragmentation 4.3. Frame Fragmentation
VP9 frames are fragmented into packets in RTP sequence number order: VP9 frames are fragmented into packets in RTP sequence number order:
beginning with a packet with the B bit set and ending with a packet beginning with a packet with the B bit set and ending with a packet
with the E bit set. There is no mechanism for finer-grained access with the E bit set. There is no mechanism for finer-grained access
to parts of a VP9 frame. to parts of a VP9 frame.
4.4. Scalable Encoding Considerations 4.4. Scalable Encoding Considerations
skipping to change at line 598 skipping to change at line 604
For spatially scalable streams, this means that For spatially scalable streams, this means that
"error_resilient_mode" needs to be turned on for the base spatial "error_resilient_mode" needs to be turned on for the base spatial
layer; however, it can be turned off for higher spatial layers, layer; however, it can be turned off for higher spatial layers,
assuming they are sent with inter-layer dependency (i.e., with the D assuming they are sent with inter-layer dependency (i.e., with the D
bit set). For streams that are only temporally scalable without bit set). For streams that are only temporally scalable without
spatial scalability, "error_resilient_mode" can additionally be spatial scalability, "error_resilient_mode" can additionally be
turned off for any picture that immediately follows a temporal-layer turned off for any picture that immediately follows a temporal-layer
0 frame. 0 frame.
4.5. Examples of VP9 RTP Stream 4.5. Example of a VP9 RTP Stream
4.5.1. Reference Picture Use for Scalable Structure 4.5.1. Reference Picture Use for Scalable Structure
As discussed in Section 3, the VP9 codec can maintain up to eight As discussed in Section 3, the VP9 codec can maintain up to eight
reference frames, of which up to three can be referenced or updated reference frames, of which up to three can be referenced or updated
by any new frame. This section illustrates one way that a scalable by any new frame. This section illustrates one way that a scalable
structure (with three spatial layers and three temporal layers) can structure (with three spatial layers and three temporal layers) can
be constructed using these reference frames. be constructed using these reference frames.
+==========+=========+============+=========+ +==========+=========+============+=========+
skipping to change at line 913 skipping to change at line 919
are subject to the security considerations discussed in the RTP are subject to the security considerations discussed in the RTP
specification [RFC3550], and in any applicable RTP profile such as specification [RFC3550], and in any applicable RTP profile such as
RTP/AVP [RFC3551], RTP/AVPF [RFC4585], RTP/SAVP [RFC3711], or RTP/ RTP/AVP [RFC3551], RTP/AVPF [RFC4585], RTP/SAVP [RFC3711], or RTP/
SAVPF [RFC5124]. However, as "Securing the RTP Framework: Why RTP SAVPF [RFC5124]. However, as "Securing the RTP Framework: Why RTP
Does Not Mandate a Single Media Security Solution" [RFC7202] Does Not Mandate a Single Media Security Solution" [RFC7202]
discusses, it is not an RTP payload format's responsibility to discusses, it is not an RTP payload format's responsibility to
discuss or mandate what solutions are used to meet the basic security discuss or mandate what solutions are used to meet the basic security
goals like confidentiality, integrity, and source authenticity for goals like confidentiality, integrity, and source authenticity for
RTP in general. This responsibility lies with anyone using RTP in an RTP in general. This responsibility lies with anyone using RTP in an
application. They can find guidance on available security mechanisms application. They can find guidance on available security mechanisms
in "Options for Securing RTP Sessions [RFC7201]. Applications SHOULD in "Options for Securing RTP Sessions" [RFC7201]. Applications
use one or more appropriate strong security mechanisms. SHOULD use one or more appropriate strong security mechanisms.
Implementations of this RTP payload format need to take appropriate Implementations of this RTP payload format need to take appropriate
security considerations into account. It is extremely important for security considerations into account. It is extremely important for
the decoder to be robust against malicious or malformed payloads and the decoder to be robust against malicious or malformed payloads and
ensure that they do not cause the decoder to overrun its allocated ensure that they do not cause the decoder to overrun its allocated
memory or otherwise misbehave. An overrun in allocated memory could memory or otherwise misbehave. An overrun in allocated memory could
lead to arbitrary code execution by an attacker. The same applies to lead to arbitrary code execution by an attacker. The same applies to
the encoder, even though problems in encoders are (typically) rarer. the encoder, even though problems in encoders are (typically) rarer.
This RTP payload format and its media decoder do not exhibit any This RTP payload format and its media decoder do not exhibit any
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non-reference frames and discard them in order to reduce network non-reference frames and discard them in order to reduce network
congestion. Note that discarding of non-reference frames cannot be congestion. Note that discarding of non-reference frames cannot be
done if the stream is encrypted (because the non-reference marker is done if the stream is encrypted (because the non-reference marker is
encrypted). encrypted).
10. IANA Considerations 10. IANA Considerations
IANA has registered the media type registration "video/vp9" as IANA has registered the media type registration "video/vp9" as
specified in Section 7. The media type has also been added to the specified in Section 7. The media type has also been added to the
"RTP Payload Format Media Types" <https://www.iana.org/assignments/ "RTP Payload Format Media Types" <https://www.iana.org/assignments/
rtp-parameters> subregistry of the "Real-Time Transport Protocol rtp-parameters> registry of the "Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP)
(RTP) Paramaeters" registry as follows. Paramaeters" registry group as follows.
Media Type: video Media Type: video
Subtype: VP9 Subtype: VP9
Clock Rate (Hz): 90000 Clock Rate (Hz): 90000
Reference: RFC 9628 Reference: RFC 9628
11. References 11. References
11.1. Normative References 11.1. Normative References
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Acknowledgments Acknowledgments
Alex Eleftheriadis, Yuki Ito, Won Kap Jang, Sergio Garcia Murillo, Alex Eleftheriadis, Yuki Ito, Won Kap Jang, Sergio Garcia Murillo,
Roi Sasson, Timothy Terriberry, Emircan Uysaler, and Thomas Volkert Roi Sasson, Timothy Terriberry, Emircan Uysaler, and Thomas Volkert
commented on the development of this document and provided helpful commented on the development of this document and provided helpful
feedback. feedback.
Authors' Addresses Authors' Addresses
Justin Uberti Justin Uberti
Google, Inc. OpenAI
747 6th Street South 1455 3rd St
Kirkland, WA 98033 San Francisco, CA 94158
United States of America United States of America
Email: justin@uberti.name Email: justin@uberti.name
Stefan Holmer Stefan Holmer
Google, Inc. Google, Inc.
Kungsbron 2 Kungsbron 2
SE-111 22 Stockholm SE-111 22 Stockholm
Sweden Sweden
Email: holmer@google.com Email: holmer@google.com
Magnus Flodman Magnus Flodman
Google, Inc. Google, Inc.
Kungsbron 2 Kungsbron 2
SE-111 22 Stockholm SE-111 22 Stockholm
Sweden Sweden
Email: mflodman@google.com Email: mflodman@google.com
Danny Hong Danny Hong
Google, Inc. Google, Inc.
1585 Charleston Road 315 Hudson St.
Mountain View, CA 94043 New York, NY 10013
United States of America United States of America
Email: dannyhong@google.com Email: dannyhong@google.com
Jonathan Lennox Jonathan Lennox
8x8, Inc. / Jitsi 8x8, Inc. / Jitsi
Jersey City, NJ 07302 Jersey City, NJ 07302
United States of America United States of America
Email: jonathan.lennox@8x8.com Email: jonathan.lennox@8x8.com
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